Super Powers – Activate
Super Powers – Activate An Interview with blogger and entrepreneur Jeskica Labud Jeskica was quite surprised when I asked her if I could interview her to kick-off my tech section. Let me explain: Jesicka among other things is the co-founding blogger of “Two Non-Techies” a…
A Profusion of Information
A Profusion of Information An Interview with Account Planner/Strategist Drew Coburn In this age of two-way marketing where many just throw up their hands and focus on the past I sought to investigate where the line between predicting the future and planning for it intersects….
The World of Marketing has Forever Changed
The World of Marketing has Forever Changed This is an article I contributed to the Advertising Club of Westchester’s blog. The original is available on the ACW site. Consistency, Innovation, Transparency – Natural Selection? The event started off with marketing terms much like…
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